Be the healthiest and happiest you can possibly be by learning to balance mind, body and spirit. Wellbeing & Mindfulness is packed with simple, effective exercises to enhance your mental, emotional and physical health: it offers you the chance to enjoy a centred sense of calm in the midst of a busy modern world.
Wellbeing & Mindfulness comprises a compendium of over 80 of the most popular healing therapies, from ancient practices such as Ayurveda and Tibetan Buddhism to up-to-the-minute techniques such as timeline therapy and floatation. You will learn how to use meditation and mindfulness to combat stress and anxiety; tweak your diet for optimum health, and become fit with a form of exercise you can love.
Whatever your goal - whether you want to lose weight or gain sleep; detox your body or cleanse your home; fall in love (with your life, your partner, your work) or find your soul (with prayer, retreating and ritual) - this comprehensive handbook to modern wellbeing will show you how.
โข Completely demystifies natural health and holistic wellbeing
โข Self-help techniques help you target issues immediately
โข Explains over 80 essential holistic therapies - both old and new
โข Includes up-to-date practices such as cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) as well as age-old traditions
โข Written by an acknowledged expert on integrated health and natural living.ISBN:9781780976204