Models of Speeches and Letter for the Person Engaged in Community, Lodge, Civic, Union and All Other Public and Group Functions
What to Say and How To Say It For All Occasions stands out as the only comprehensive and modern book devoted to guiding the participant in community or public activities in drafting resolutions, composing inscriptions, writing a testimonial, running a testimonial dinner, preparing a eulogy, or the like. Books on public speaking have for their function the teaching of the principles of speaking. This book not only explains how to speak, but what to say for the most frequently occurring occasions. It supplies a valuable, working tool which those in public activities need.
The forms and models which are presented as illustrations throughout the book, stripped of excess verbiage, are ones which have been tested through use. They cover a broad field of activities, and are made complete by the insertion of names and organizations. Enough models are presented to enable the speaker or writer to make several choices, and care has been taken to help the reader to alter or modify them to suit his personality or the needs of the particular situation. A thorough index enables the reader to quickly find what he needs.