From When I was a kid, This was a Free Country
"I am a member of the last heneration to remember what this country was like when it was free. When I was a kid, my buddies and I could walk down the street carrying a rifle, a handgun, or a shotgun that our dad or uncle had bought for us at the local hardware store, or through mail (the way Bat Masterson bought his Colt revolvers). In the fall, the air would be rodolent with the delicious aroma of leaves burning in the gutter. The farmer might be filling in a a swamp on his land to make it productive. A man with a home on a riverbank might be cutting down a tree on his property because it blocked his view.
"People were free to speak their minds, even if what they had to say was contemptible; people who didn't like it were free to say so in no uncertain terms - anywhere, particularly in that bastion of ideas, the university. Property owners felt secure in the knowledge that their possessions could not be taken away from them, and at the very least they would be afforded due process of law.
"These freedoms and more are gone now..."
Include a special chapter giving an updated account of Watergate: Liddy has the evidence that explodes the bogus Woodward and Bernstein theory.