Way back in January we made some big changes to the White Dwarf cover. We spiffed it up with an eye-catching new White Dwarf title treatment, appropriately in white. We placed the Warhammer logo front and centre, because make no mistake, White Dwarf is Warhammer. And we replaced the traditional issue month with just a number. And not a 1, but a 450.
You've probably got questions. Why start with 450? Why wait till now to talk about it?
I'll answer the questions in the logical order: the latter first. You know how the Warhammer 40,000 studio likes to joke about the mysteries of the warp when they're writing about things months before you read about them? We often have to write about the future like it's the present. Such is the nature of the warp. Time is relative. Timey wimey stuff.
Well, we decided we wanted to make some changes to the cover when we were working on this issue. At that time, the January issue was just about to go to press, and given the opportunity, it made a lot more sense to implement the cover changes in the January issue rather than the March issue. But it was too late to change the editorial for January or even February, so here we are. Timey wimey stuff.
We've been silently numbering White Dwarf all along. If you look at the boilerplate on the inside front cover in issues from last year, you might notice they have a volume number of III and an issue number in the 30s. Volume III correlates to the monthly relaunch of White Dwarf, but it doesn't reflect the full legacy of the magazine. So we restored the numbering to reflect a continuation of White Dwarfs long and storied monthly run. Like I said, timey wimey stuff. -Editor