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Who’s Sorry Now?
By: Freda Lightfoot
Book Condition: Good
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1 in stock
Sisters, sisters, there were never such devoted sisters . . . Things aren't quite that simple in the noisy, warm-hearted Bertalone family. Carmina is the glamorous one, the sexy extrovert who has the boys flocking like bees round the honeypot - all except Luc Fabriani, who for some unaccountable reason seems to prefer her sister Gina. Gina is quiet and shy, the apple of her over-protective parents' eye, and much too young to have a boyfriend. Innocent and naรฏve, Gina believes her sister when she spreads malicious lies about Luc: what has Carmina got to gain by breaking her sister's heart? But lies have a habit of being found out and trapping the liar in a web of deceit, as Carmina is about to discover.