"There is a restlessness in Wianta that insist on producing some variation as yet unseen," writes Robert C. Morgan. "He works from the premise that there is something to be revealed from the interior structure of memory, history, and legend, something that goes deeply into the stratosphere of time, the cosmic energy of the soul that is ready at any moment to burst forth into the brightness of a thousand stars.
Take one world-renowned American art critic. immerse him in the culture of Bali, Indonesia, then challenge him to analyze one of the country's most famous artists, and what do you get? A multifaceted work that grapples with deep-seated and complex issues, and particularly with the recurring themes of the unseen and the unknown.
Made Wianta's mastery of color and form on canvas is legend, as are his "installations" or "happening" art. Both have been greatly influenced by his drawing and calligraphic practices. To analyze the meaning and the significance of Made Wianta's drawing oeuvre. Robert Morgan embarked on a journey that took him from New York City to Venice in 2003, and to Ball in 2004, to internalize first-hand the spiritual and cultural influences, and other points of reference that have shaped the transformation of Made Wianta's artistic reality.
If experiencing art has to do with fathoming the artist's message and the emotions he wants to convey, then Wianta's drawings are significant, in leading us back to a place we never knew, but should have known. Like Morgan, we will encounter Wianta's "world of nerves and stars, rivers and rice, synaptic charges between light and instinctual darkness, the place where dogs run wild."
ISBN: 9789812480576