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Winning the Mind Game: Negotiating in Business and Life

By: Paul M. Lisnek

Book Condition: Very good
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RM27.90 RM25.11

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Dr. Lisnek is more than an experienced negotiator-he's a master. Readers will benefit from his experience as they absorb the information in this definitive look at the nature and process of negotiation. In this "back-to-basics" book, Lisnek uses real-life situations to teach the age-old art of winning at professional and personal bargaining tables.

In his unique wise and witty style, Lisnek reveals the too often overlooked fundamentals of negotiation, including:

the bottom-line competitive nature of negotiation, why verbal and non-verbal-communication skills are key 10 winning the mind game, the critical importance of preparation, powerful techniques to control information and pacing, understanding and using the art of storytelling in every negotiation, an insider's look at the intricacies of tactics and strategy, and learning to uncover the drives and desires of others at the table.

An attorney, consultant, speaker and trainer, Dr. Lisnek, has negotiated thousands of complex agreements. Now he takes you through the steps in a negotiation, illustrating each point with stories, anecdotes, and scripts. Throw away the dry textbooks and get ready for an entertaining journey into a world where negotiation is not a "dirty" word, but rather is a positive, highly useful process, which, without doubt, is as old as human life.

Additional information

Weight 430 g
Dimensions 229 × 151 × 18 mm




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ISBN 0916990397