With Love and Irony is a prized collection for all readers of Lin Yutang's writing. First published in 1934, it contains succinct and deliciously pungent pieces most native to his genius: wise, fearless and unaffected commentary delivered with sparkling humour. The articles are highly varied, ranging from humorous observations on aspects of daily life to the witty and fascinating insight of the social and political scene at that time. The reader of the 21st century will be amazed that much of his observations recorded in the 1930's are still valid and relevant today. The same cultural issues addressed by him then are still pertinent to the understanding of present-day China and her relationship with the international powers. Undoubtedly, this is one rare Chinese writer in the last century who was clearly ahead of his time. Of his writing, Pearl S Buck (Nobel prize-winning author of The Good Earth) had written:
This wit, clothing, fearlessness where others were timid, merciless where no mercy was due, and sympathy for and appreciation of the common people of China... drew the attention of many readers besides myself to ask, "Who is this Lin Yutang?"
Lin Yutang is easily one of the greatest and most unforgettable writers of the English language to have emerged from China in the 20th century. One would have to look very hard to find someone his equal today.