Meet the cross-dressing Russian prince, richereven than the Czars, who lost everything to the
Bolsheviks only to remember five years later
about a French chateau his family owned that he
had forgotten about; or the man who could pay a
fine for $6bn and still be a billionaire. Less
fortunate souls include the two Wall Street
brokers during the crash, who lept hand-in-
hand off their office roof - they had a joint
account; the man who realy did bet - and lose -
his wife; and the equerry to the Prince of Wales,
who died bankrupt because the then King of
England never paid him back. As well as more
fascinating stories, you will find out the truth
behind such legendary money men as Robert
Maxwell, Michael Milkin, Ernest Saunders,
Howard Hughes, Alan Bond, William Randolph
Hearst and many more...ISBN:9781854871565