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World History for Malaysians

By: K. G. Tregonning

Book Condition: Good, Ex-library
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DURING the life of this globe, which conservative experts would have us believe was formed some three thousand million years ago, there have been four major Ice Ages. Caused perhaps by a slight change or tilt in the new path of the young planet round the sun, immense layers of ice crept towards the equator from the poles, and came down for thousands of years from the high mountains of Asia into areas that are now lush and tropical.

The last of these long ages saw man survive in the struggle to exist, while nearly all of his pre-Ice Age associates perished. For by the time of the last Ice Age, man had existed long enough, thousands of years in all probability, to outstrip by far his fellows. His greater brain, the evolution of a spoken language and his delicate pair of fore-legs enabled him to fight both the wild elements and the brutal nature in which he roamed and lived.

One of the areas in which he roamed and where he survived was South-east Asia. It may even have been the place where he first evolved. In those days, before the Ice Age ended and the slowly melting snows raised the seas of the world some hundred feet, Sumatra, Java and Borneo were all joined to Malaysia, and in this vast area ancient man wandered as a nomadic hunter, a parasite living off nature as best he could.

Additional information

Weight 325 g
Dimensions 194 × 135 × 20 mm




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ISBN 340082194