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Wrestle That Bear: Why You Should Embrace rather than Avoid Struggles in Your Life and Business

By: Steve W. Price

Book Condition: Very good
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RM25.90 RM22.02

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Struggling Is a Blessing in Disguise

While we're in the midst of struggles, we'd be hard-pressed to endorse the value of struggling. But research and experience confirm that struggling is a blessing in disguise.

"Truly happy people seem to have an intuitive grasp that sustained happiness is not just doing only the things you like, reports Todd Kashdan, bestselling author and psychologist at George Mason University. "Happiness also requires growth and adventuring beyond the boundaries of your comfort zone."

To create a rich, meaningful existence, then, you have to seek struggles in your life and business, not avoid them. Embraced struggles enhance our lives by challenging us to do more... have more... and be more by daring us to dream, to overreach the ordinary, to see past the obvious. Think for a moment-what do you dream of having more of in your life?

Awards? Accolades? Money? Meaning? Purpose? Pleasure? Fame? Family? Respect? Recognition? Health? Helping others?

Choose one or choose them all, it doesn't matter - they all come with struggles.

have two choices when faced with your struggles: Fight or flight. Conquer or quit. That's it. Those are your only choices. People who wrestle their struggles, instead of running from them, enjoy a richer, fuller, more engaged life. So can you when you embrace struggles and... wrestle that bear!