A BREATH AWAY...The Spirits knew she had tried in vain to remember her life as a white child. After a while, it mattered not. Conway might not ever accept that, but it was truth.
She kicked and pushed against Conway's chest. Pressed against him, she found it difficult to breathe and impossible to ignore his heart beating strongly beneath her hands.
She kicked and pushed against Conway's chest. Pressed against him, she found it difficult to breathe and impossible to ignore his heart beating strongly beneath her hands.
Looking up, she forgot what she wanted. With his lips only a breath away, she went still. The desire for him to kiss her again stole her resistance. Her limbs turned to mush.
Perhaps he divined her wish. He lowered his head, and just before his lips closed over hers, he muttered, "Damn you." Doubtless, she was. Damned to live without the love of this man. Only this man, her heart cried.
Conway tilted his head, his lips slanting over hers. Hot, moist, heady. Delicious. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she burned and gave herself up to the heat coursing through her.
ISBN: 9780843956214