This book answers all your questions for a wide variety of conditions:- Is garlic a useful treatment for lowering cholesterol?
- Does honey or antibiotics cure peptic ulcer?
- How do pineapples and evening primrose oil affect menstrual cramps?
- What foods should you avoid for migraine, gout, high cholesterol, chronic cough and asthma?
- Does taking vitamins help prevent cataract?
- How should your diet be altered for constipation and diarrhoea?
- Are bathing and washing of hair immediately after delivery bad for health?
- What are Hepatitis A, B, C, D, E, F, and G?
- What is 'cooling' or 'heaty' cough?
Other topics of interest that will also be discussed include obesity, the use of contact lenses, pregnancy, confinement, menopause, high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke.