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Your Name, 01 & 02

By: Makoto Shinkai

Book Condition: Very good
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An encounter between two who have never met. your name. More than a thousand years ago, a comet appeared in the skies of Japan. In the present day, only a month remains until its return. Mitsuha is a high school student who lives in a rural town deep in the mountains. Her daily life is depressingly boring because of her father, the town mayor, as well as the age-old traditions of her family"s shrine. Her small-town existence and her adolescent hypersensitivity to the opinions of others make her yearn for the big city. One day, she dreams that she has turned into a boy. In her dream, she sees a home she has not seen before, friends she does not know, and the huge city of Tokyo right before her eyes. Although confused, Mitsuha still enjoys the big-city life that she has always wanted. "What a weird dreamโ€ฆ" Meanwhile, Taki โ€“ a Tokyo high school student โ€“ has a dream where he lives as a high school girl, in a town deep in the mountains that he has never been to before. What is the truth behind their dreams? This is an encounter between two who have never met before. Thus begins the miraculous story of one boy and one girl. ISBN:9789674780203

Additional information

Weight 186 g
Dimensions 203 × 142 × 11 mm




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ISBN 9789674780203