In this sizzling new collection, three women fall under the spell of three irresistible vampires who promise to satisfy their every desire...
"Highland Blood" by Hannah Howell
When Adeline Dunbar finds an abandoned baby
on her doorstep, she sets out to find his clan. Attacked by a group of demon hunters, Adeline tries to flee her
rescuer, vampire Lachann MacNachton. But escaping Lachann proves useless as does denying the primal hunger he stirs deep within her...
"Taken by Darkness" by Alexandra Ivy
A Guardians of Eternity Novella
The daughter of a witch, Juliet Lawrence has inherited magical powers-powers that could be quite useful to Victor, Marquess DeRosa, London's most powerful vampire. But that's not all Victor desires of Juliet. He wants the unpredictable beauty in his bed and he is accustomed to getting what he wants...
"Immortal Dreams" by Kaitlin O'Riley
Beautiful widow Grace Sutton is haunted by recurring dreams of a past life and a mysterious, handsome stranger. When Grace meets Stuart Phillips, Lord Radcliffe the vampire who has been searching for her for over a century-her sensual dreams soon come true in the most unforgettable way... ISBN:9781420112283