This book contains all 24 issues of "FIVE LOAVES AND TWO FISHES." These were leaflets published every two months for four years from January 1976 to December 1979. In our Introductory Letter sent at Christmas 1975 to Communicators of the Faith in Malaysia and Singapore, we stated that our main purpose was to reach out to ADULTS and try to help them to SEARCH DEEPER INTO THE MEANING OF CHRISTIAN LIVING TODAY. We quote from the original letter:
"FIVE LOAVES AND TWO FISHES is meant to help you to deepen and communicate your faith. God does nothing unless man contributes what he can. Jesus needed a little boy's five loaves and two fishes in order to be able to feed the five thousand. As the boy of the Gospel was willing to share the simple fare he possessed, so we are happy to offer you a few insights of our faith, which we hope will be meaningful and relevant. And as the Lord blessed and multipled the loaves, so we hope He will equally bless this effort."