Discover How Magnets Can Help Relieve Arthritis, Sports Injuries, Fibromyalgia, and Chronic Pain
·Which magnets are right for specific conditions
·How to use magnets in conjunction with other therapies
·The historical and scientific background of magnet therapy
·How research into magnet therapy may affect the future of medicine
·And much more!
"At last an unbiased and in-depth book on magnet therapy that will become indispensible to both consumers and professionals." —Michael Waterhouse, M.A., L.Ac., clinical instructor, UCLA, Department of Pediatrics
"A valuable contribution to the literature on magnet therapy." —Agatha P. Colbert, M.D.
"This is a great reference for anyone interested in magnets. Lara Owen provides scientific insight into how effective magnets really are." —Daniel Man, M.D.
Foreword by Arthur Pilla, Ph.D., director of the bioelectrochemistry laboratory, Mount Sinai School of Medicine and Columbia University.