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Penang Island / Golden Triangle

By: Ho Chin Soon

Book Condition: Very good
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RM27.90 RM23.72

1 in stock


Penang Island: New Southern Road to Penang Hill And Strategic Tunnels: The Way Forward, is the third book written by Ho Chin Soon, local property location researcher. This book will give the value and market trends and the latest news on Penang Island's real estate guide to identify the real future of Penang Island.

Mr. Ho Chin Soon is the managing director of Ho Chin Soon Research Sdn Bhd, a property information company that provides data on land use & ownership to players in the real estate industry. Education in La Salle School and St Xavier's Institution, Penang. Worked at CHWiliiams, Talhar & Wong and passed the RICS {Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (UK) exams in a record 3 years while working full time. Was at Island & Peninsular KL and FACB, Sabah. Was in Papua New Guinea and Singapore briefly before starting Ho Chin Soon Research in 1989. Fellow of the Institution of Surveyors, Malaysia; Registered Valuer & Estate Agent with the Board of Valuers, Appraisers & Estate Agents, Malaysia.
