In the ranks of financial management, Sir John Templeton's name stands foremost. This legendary mutual-fund manager's secrets distill into ten principles that can spell your own personal and financial success.
In Ten Golden Rules for Financial Success, Gary Moore shares the insights he learned under Templeton's mentorship. Here at last is a positive look at today's economy, plus a ten-point approach that will help you navigate its possibilities and pitfalls to achieve far more than dollars-and-cents success alone.
In easy-to-understand language, Moore answers your most troubling questions about:
• Financial peace of mind-is it possible?
• Stocks, bonds, mutual funds-where should I invest?
• The American economy-troubled waters or smooth sailing?
• The federal debt-political illusion or economic reality?
• Ethical investing-does it make a difference?
"Sir John Templeton is probably the best model alive to study for how to make the transition from success to significance... We should all be grateful to Gary Moore for bringing this modern genius to light."
Bob Buford, Chairman, Buford Television Inc., and author of Halftime