Idioms are mavericks of the linguistic world. Language follows rules but idioms characteristically break the rules.
An idiom does not mean what you would expect it to mean and this is what makes the English language so exasperatingly colourful.
A bucket is 'a pail' and to kick means 'to move with the foot'.
Yet to kick the bucket probably does not mean 'to move a pail with one's foot', it is likely to be understood as 'to die'.
WORD POWER WITH IDIOMS explains over 400 idioms which occur in everyday English. Helpful features in this book include:
- dictionary-style entries
- guidance on current usage
- mini essays on recurring themes
- bibliography to provide a point of extended reference
- an index of the important words in each expression
Whether it is treated as a work of reference or simply as a source of fascination for the browser, WORD POWER WITH IDIOMS is essential reading for anyone interested in increasing his command of the English language.